25 August 2014




Having a soup for a meal is a must  in my house. For our lunch and dinner, we always have rice, some soup and something fried, normally fish or chicken. 

This fish soup uses the head of the fish while the rest of the fish is fried. 

I still remember my Pap's stories about my Oma. She used to go to the fishmonger and sees that the head of the fish was going to be thrown away because nobody will buy it. 
"How much for the fish head?" She'd ask.
"You can have them for free, no one wants it." He replied. 

This is one of the ways we would cook a fish head. The soup is sour because of the lemon juice added at the end. And just because we're from Manado, we have to add chilli with any dish!  The warm broth, and a little heat makes this soup perfect for a winter dish. The freshness of the acidity from the lemon, makes it a great soup during summertime. Well, in Jakarta, we would eat it all year round! 

This recipe serves 3 - 4 person. Eaten with rice.
  • 1 large pan
  • 1 Head of snapper, marinated with juice of half of lemon and 1 tablespoon of salt
  • 2 litre of water
  • 2 chilli, seeded
  • 1 lemongrass 
  • 2 kaffir lime leaves
  • 1 shallot, sliced
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • salt to taste
  • 1 tomato, sliced 
  • A handful of lemon basil leaves (kemangi). Set aside a few for garnish.
  • 2 tablespoon of lemon juice

  • Add all the ingredients in a pan, except for tomato, lemon basil leaves and lemon juice. Cook to boil and let simmer for 45 minutes. 
  • Add salt to taste
  • Before serving, add the tomato and lemon juice and stir to mix.
  • Serve with warm rice and additional fried fish or chicken on the side

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